The dream and its validity in strengthening the role of prophets from the perspective of the Holy Quran between the interpretations of Al-Mizan and Fi-Dalal Al-Qur’an (a comparative study)

Ahmed Ibrahim Hussein Al-Saleih
Field of study:
Quranic Sciences
Faculty of Quranic Studies
URD Press
Ruhollah Foroughi

The study is summarized with regard to the vision and its authenticity with the prophets from the perspective of the Holy Qur’an and the importance of this topic and its effects in society. Know that He, Glory be to Him, created the essence of the speaking soul, so that it can ascend to the celestial world and study the Preserved Tablet. He responds to it through the senses, and at the time of sleep these concerns are lessened, so the soul becomes stronger for that reading. There he lacks the expressive. Then there are some that are consistent and regular. It is easy for the expresser to move from these fantasies to the spiritual realities, and some of them are mixed and turbulent, their analysis and composition is not controlled, due to the confusion that occurred in their arrangement and composition. Disturbance of the imagined power due to a corruption that occurred in the physical forces, and the occurrence of something strange to him from outside, but the mentioned section may be considered as a small thing in that it has become aware of its interpretation, and that the vision is in a dream, as for the self-talk about something and Thinking about it, until it happens like what is imprinted in the soul, so the sleeper imagines that with his nature, forms and results, and this is known by consideration, or by the nature and the oppression of some of them against each other, so the mood is disturbed for him, and he imagines for his owner what suits that dominant nature, such as food and drink, visible and worn, It is delightful and disturbing.. and you may see the effect of the dominant nature in vigilance and witnessing, or reasons from Satan, and a whispering that he does to a person, reminding him of things that grieve him, and reasons that make him feel sad about what he does not reach, or that invites him to commit a forbidden act that would damage him, or imagine a suspicion in his religion that would lead to his destruction. And the purpose of this study was found to be a matter of dispute among scholars, some of whom said that the vision is an argument that can be taken, and others said that it is not an argument and is not taken into account, and this is the reason that prompted us to delve into such a topic. As for the research methodology, it was descriptive and comparative between the opinions of Allama al-Tabataba’i and Sayyid Qutb. I have reached the results, that the vision is a reality in its existence and not just words and legends that people circulate among themselves. The visions are divided into sections, some of which are good news and some of them are a dream, and some of the visions are whispers from the accursed accursed Satan. The good vision is good news for the righteous people. It is possible to see a righteous person who worships ascetic.