Legal protection for migrant workers in Iraqi and Iranian law

Ali Kamel Akreiz
Field of study:
Faculty of Law
URD Press

Due to the increase in the number of migrant workers to and from Iraq, as well as the passage of numbers of them in Iraqi territory, in addition to the influx of large numbers of refugees and asylum seekers and their involvement in the Iraqi labor market. Although the Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families has excluded refugees from the definition of migrant workers, it decided the exception is if the laws of countries do not stipulate otherwise, and the agreement does not exclude asylum seekers, which applies to Syrians, Iraqis and others in Iran. Through this study, the most prominent provisions of labor legislation in Iraq and Iran will be shed on the rights of migrant workers, in addition to legal loopholes covered by these legislations, which open the doors to the violation of the rights of migrant workers in the countries of the region. It is no secret to anyone who cares about human rights in general and the rights of migrant workers in particular in the countries of the region, the extent of violations against migrant workers in these countries, and this is what was monitored by reports issued by  civil society organizations in these countries.  It was confirmed by international reports.  In turn, we confirm the effectiveness of the legal framework to guarantee these rights in a way that ensures that all individuals are prevented from them.