The rhetorical efforts of Mahmoud Al-Bustani in his Book Rhetorical rules in the light of the Islamic approach

Muneeb Ahmed Hnaihen
Field of study:
Arabic Language and Literature
Faculty of Nations Cultures and Languages
URD Press
Abdul-Rasool Alhaei

This research, before you, presents a serious attempt to address the rhetorical efforts of Dr. Mahmoud Al-Bustani through his book Rhetorical Rules in the Light of the Islamic Method. I also presented in it several issues. The research included an introduction that summarizes the research particles and the mechanism of its conduct. His biography, his scientific and literary life, and his artistic style in his book Rhetorical Grammar, and then moved on to clarifying the faculties of research and its concepts such as the definition of rhetorical rules and artistic expression, and clarified the relationship between ancient and modern rhetoric, and its relationship also to criticism and literature, and then showed the efforts of Dr. Al-Bustani in rhetoric By talking about his efforts in the science of semantics and the science of rhetoric (the figurative element) and the verbal element in the science of Budaiya. The research concluded that Al-Bustani was one of the advocates of subjecting rhetoric to the artistic literary curriculum and returning it to the arms of the literary school because of the importance of this in ridding the science of rhetoric from what he described from inertia. The rhetorical research has transcended the level of the sentence to what is beyond it, and it is an early and valuable invitation and has good fruits if it finds the light in following it. He also had great efforts in renewing rhetoric, and his views attest to him, and one of the most important reasons for renewal was due to the rigidity of rhetoric as a result of its influence on philosophy and logic and its failure to study the entire texts and the literary piece in its entirety and its neglect of the psychological aspect in analyzing texts and its failure to keep pace with literature. Al-Bustani’s views on rhetoric were unique, as he did not overlook the old and was not satisfied with the hadith. The convergence between the two parties was the basis of his study. One of the most prominent opinions that the research reached by Dr. Al-Bustani is the abolition of the tripartite division of rhetoric, the subordination of rhetoric to the literary method, and the removal of rhetoric from the burdens of Greek logic and heoretical arguments.