Legal and Constitutional Organization of the Popular Mobilization Authority
- Author:
- Ali Hussein Abd Ali Al-Rubaye
- Level:
- Master
- Field of study:
- Law
- Language:
- Arabic
- Faculty:
- Faculty of Law
- Year:
- 2022
- Publisher:
- URD Press
- Supervisor(s):
- Seyed Mehdi Mirdadashi Kari
Two of those interested in the military, political and strategic thinking do not disagree that the formation of the Popular Mobilization has contributed significantly to changing the terrorist plans of terrorist groups, in addition to the fact that the formation of the Popular Mobilization Authority has contributed to changing the balance of power in favor of the Iraqi military forces, as its formation contributed to moral support And the psychological psychology of the Iraqi military forces, whether they are the Iraqi army forces or the local and federal police forces. The result of all this was nothing but the liberation of Iraqi lands from the terrorist clique. This institution must have a future role that should be studied through the mechanism of scientific research and shed light on it through a future vision that provides an analysis of the data and foreseeing the possible future dimensions of the tasks of the national political decision-maker. The search for means and mechanisms for building a security strategy that assumes a specific function focused on enhancing the military and security performance of the state And this task certainly applies to Iraq, which has a young experience in building a new military institution, which places the responsibility of defense and facing challenges. The framework of the state as a whole whose responsibilities are limited to security and defense, and this is certainly a result of the loss of the specificity of compatibility between the political and security trends within the security environment of the Iraqi state and the ambiguity of the security vision for diagnosing and addressing challenges, as well as the lack of awareness of the level of directed or counter-performance, whether from inside or outside, and weakness Strategic security thinking, as well as the repercussions of all these determinants on the behavior of security job performance in the environment Ladd. One of the repercussions of these failures is that Iraq has been subjected to a state of fragmentation and security and military division in the face of organized and planned terrorist groups to achieve important results on the ground and reached the stage of threatening the entity of the state in general in favor of creating a strange entity that was announced as (an Islamic state with a specific area, borders and specific goals). In more precise words, the terrorist performance directed at Iraq has touched the premises of Iraq’s presence and status, bypassing all dimensions, based on a complex geopolitical movement, and in the face of this dangerous decline in the structure of the state, after which a political unit has the elements of existence, it was necessary for the decision-maker or the one who confronts the political mission in Iraq. To be strategically adapted to the developments of events in order to absorb them in a way that provides the minimum level of maintenance for the survival of the state and prevents it from falling to the impact of the strikes of terrorism, especially after ISIS took control of the most important cities of the country, Mosul and Anbar, and the collapse and disintegration of most of the military system and the arrival of security and political matters to the edge of the abyss for these reasons With these facts, Iraq was facing a realistic strategic realization that indicated the seriousness of the situation and moved towards the task of defense with the available capabilities. It had to be a supportive element.