Constitutional and legal organization to formulate and implement public policy in Iraq

Mohammad Hasan Fazel AL-Jamili
Field of study:
Faculty of Law
URD Press
Kheyroallah Parvin

In the study, I dealt with the constitutional and legal organization for drawing up and implementing public policies in Iraq, as public policies are one of the manifestations of the state’s success or prosperity in securing justifications for the existence of them according to the concepts on which many ideas and beliefs are based, and the hands of many in the field of public policies are a concept with And it overlaps with many concepts at the moment and the project as well as the programs, but it is directly related to the existence of a problem that is supposed to be general, and its solution is linked to making a political decision to make alternatives. As well as the executive authority and non-official bodies, which are parties and institutions of civil society as well as citizens, and public policy is at the core of the powers of the legislative authority. The process of legislation and oversight of laws is one of the most important stages of the process of making public policy for the state, as stated in the Constitution in Articles 78-80, text. The responsibility for planning, organizing and implementing public policies rests with the executive authority. Therefore, one of the most important problems facing the implementation of public policies is the difficulty of agreeing on the implementation or approval of laws as well. However, there are no clear constitutional visions or laws that dealt with the issue of public policies, despite the fact that democratic countries adopt public policies as a basis in running their governments because of their important role in economic, social and cultural development and in various fields, and also the absence of a strong opposition within the legislative authority The government is also observing the absence of a specific body concerned with setting public policies in the country and those concerned with it. Through the foregoing obstacles, it is necessary to mention some of the commandments that contribute to making public policy through the legislation of a law establishing the Supreme Council for Public Policies linked to the Council of Ministers to Broad powers as well as the gradual elimination of the principle of consensus adopted in the legislation of laws, as well as consensual democracy in the formation of the government and the transition from it to the political majority so that there is a strong opposition within the public authority that will have more effectiveness in monitoring and implementing the laws in the field of error and follow-up on the law In drawing up the general policies of the state, and through the foregoing, I dealt with the research by dividing it into three chapters…. The first chapter dealt with the research concepts and faculties, and we touched on The second chapter deals with the role of the executive authority in formulating and implementing public policy, and finally, in the third chapter, we discussed in detail the role of proof in formulating and implementing the general policy of the state.