The social history of the Shiites in Baghdad during the sixth and seventh centuries AH (emphasizing the political life)

Salah AbdulHassan Shahad Shahad
Field of study:
Islamic History
Faculty of History
URD Press
Ali Aghanoori

The brief presentation of the master’s thesis, which is entitled: The Social History of the Shiites in Baghdad during the sixth and seventh centuries AH (emphasis on political life), through which I sought to show the most important social aspects of the history of the Shiite community in Baghdad during their coexistence with other sects within Baghdadi society and to clarify the role of The Abbasid caliphs in their treatment of the Shiites in the period under study, and for the reader to be clearly aware of all that was happening in terms of social matters, whether between the members of the Shiite community themselves or when they came into contact with the members of other sects, especially the Sunni sect, with an explanation of the political role that the Abbasid caliphs took, and what it had The negative and positive data on the joints of the social life of the Shiites, and the research methodology was organized in an index, contents, an introduction, and four chapters permeating each chapter, including a discussion, and the results, recommendations, and the conclusion that included the findings were mentioned, then the sources and references. In the introduction, I touched on the importance of studying the social history of any society regardless of sectarian affiliations. As for the first chapter, it was centered on colleges and concepts. It showed the preponderance of the Shiite community and its prominence within the Baghdadi society. As for the second chapter, it focused on the Shiite life in Baghdad during the Seljuk rule period and the late era. While the second topic included groups of Shiite society in Baghdad during the Seljuk period, and their role in the division of society, the third topic dealt with the Shiite social influence through their relationship with the rulers of the Abbasid Caliphate and their influence on the Abbasid politics and its system, while the third chapter was centered on the effects of the treatment of the Abbasid caliphs in Shiite social life In Baghdad during the sixth and seventh centuries AH, it included three investigations, the first of which dealt with the nature of the Abbasid behavior towards the Shiites And its impact on their social life, while the second topic dealt with the Abbasid dealings by the caliphs with religious rituals and rituals, and the third topic dealt with the Abbasid inclination to the Shiites and its impact on the Shiite social situation after the inclination, while the fourth chapter shed light on the Shiite imitation of some Positions in the sixth and seventh centuries AH, emphasizing political life, and included three topics. The first concerned Shiite positions and their Shiite social role. The second topic referred to the bridges of trust of the Abbasid caliphs with the Shiites and their social impact. In the third topic, light was shed on Shiite social relations with the Abbasids in the late The Abbasid era, and this policy had a result represented by the generation of strife between the Shiite sect and the Sunni sect, which led to the disintegration of the Baghdadi social fabric in general, and the increase in that disintegration in the critical situation, which was the beginning of the Mongol alarm and the invasion of the Abbasid state.