The Legal Framework for Reducing Environmental Pollution and the Objective Provisions to the Actor A Comparative Study of the Iraqi and French Law

Ali Adil Hamzah Al-jawdhari
Field of study:
Faculty of Law
URD Press
Ali Hussaini Neishaburi

Environmental protection is one of the emerging issues in the Arab legal systems and one of the important issues that are being reorganized in the comparative systems, as the issues of environment and pollution are among the topics that aroused the interest of the media. In recent years, human scientists have shed light on the dangers of pollution and the need to protect and improve them, as the dangers posed by environmental pollution have exacerbated to the point that they warn humanity and the Earth we live on from the most dangerous environmental disasters, the scope and effects of which are unknown, with the diversity and multiplicity of environmental problems and the multiplicity of actions taken. In order to protect the environment, efforts are being made at all levels to agree on ways to protect and preserve the environment, stop the deterioration of ecosystems and work to improve and develop them. The importance of this is evident from the growing global interest in issues closely related to humans and the environment. He fed his day on the simplest things, and he did not resort to chemical or industrial materials. The importance of the study is in explaining the necessity of finding a special system for legal responsibility in terms of environmental pollution, given the specificity of the damages caused by this pollution, and then harnessing the penalties that are a deterrent to be compatible with the nature of the urgent crimes. In the environment, in addition to the legislator’s view of arranging deterrent penalties for crimes against the environment, because any harm resulting from environmental pollution may result in several damages to the environment and individuals.  Protecting the environment requires the concerted efforts of everyone, whether at the level of individuals or groups, and for this it is necessary to educate society about the importance of preserving the environment and its great impact on the quality of life on this planet, and the first responsibility in protecting the environment lies with the individual himself, who must be keen to take care of it And not to throw dirt in it that causes pollution and change the characteristics of its elements, and that man’s dependence on alternative sources reduces pollution, and its cultivation and reproduction of plants of various kinds contributes even a small part to preserving them and preventing the aggravation of the matter, and society can preserve them by spreading awareness among its members and their awareness risks of pollutants being dumped into the environment. Governments and states bear a great responsibility in protecting the environment, especially with regard to regulating ways to preserve it and enacting deterrent laws that obligate owners of factories and means of transportation to limit as much as possible the emission of toxic gases, and the dumping of toxic waste. in the environment and disposed of in the correct manner so as not to affect the environment. This is done by creating places designated to bury solid and liquid chemical waste in a way that prevents its infiltration into the soil and water sources, and forcing them to establish natural reserves for plants and animals so that the biological diversity of plants and animals is preserved. The environment. At present, there are many international organizations for the protection of the environment that are trying to spread environmental awareness in the international community, urging the preservation of all its elements and highlighting the importance of preserving the right of future generations to a clean environment. Free from pollution and pathogens. The importance of environmental conservation should be increased in textbooks and university curricula, university majors concerned with the environment and conservation have already been included, and alternative energy use methods have been popularized, such as electric cars instead of fuels.