Educational Reform in the interpretation books “Al-Hedaya ila Buluq Al-Nihaya” by Imam Makki bin Abi Talib and “Al-Tibayan fi Tafsir Al-Qur’an” by Sheikh Al-Tusi

Dhafer Mohi Hilal Hilal
Field of study:
Quranic Sciences
Faculty of Quranic Studies
URD Press
Zahra Akhavan Sarraf

This research deals with the educational reformist thought in the two interpretation books “Al-Hedaya ila Buluq Al-Nihaya” by Makki Ibn Abi Talib and “Al-Tibayan fi Tafsir al-Qur’an” by Sheikh al-Tusi, which both come in conformity with Islamic educational thought and in agreement with the Qur’anic reform system in general. And what can be said briefly from the authors’ definition of the issue of educational reform is: a correction and reform of corrupt educational concepts and social values, and this change is comprehensive or partial. Its most important manifestations are: reforming the individual’s relationship with God Almighty and reforming it with humans by removing corruption among the people. So educational reform is one of the most important matters in human guidance and according to these two interpretations it has general goals and rules. The importance of educational interpretation stems from its being consistent with the main objective of the revelation of the Holy Qur’an; guidance and direction. The research sought to analyze the means of educational reform in the two aforementioned interpretations, so it reduced them to three means: Reform by taking a good example, as Al-Tusi sees that following the actions of the prophets is an unjust good. Whoever grieves with good, then his action is good. And educational reform with a sermon is one of the most beneficial methods of preaching, is the method of argument. And finally, educational reform through educators and reformers, where the reformer and role model have a great impact in raising his followers’ self-confidence or degrading them. This research also deliberated on the aspects of educational reform in the Qur’an, and studied the aspect of the individual and the psychological, mental, behavioral, and material effects that reform education leaves in one’s psyche, and the aspect related to the family and society. Thus, it was an inductive study that led to a number of results and recommendations that can be generalized to Arab and Islamic societies as a whole. One of the most important results is that the Qur’an includes a sufficient and adequate educational curriculum, valid for every time and place.