The moral reforms of Imam Ali in the era of the caliphate

Ali Abbas Makttoof Al-Abboodi
Field of study:
Islamic History
Faculty of History
URD Press
Ramadan Mohammadi

One of the conditions of writing about the history and lives of the greats is to be aware of the personal and social dimensions of that great man, to know his views and the religious beliefs involved in his heart, to learn about his political visions, his personal ambitions, and the goals that he adopted in his biography, behavior, war and peace. translating a flag; It is very difficult for someone who tries to talk or write about the personality of Ali al-Murtada (peace be upon him) as the source of divine secrets and the source of divine lights. The matter which makes access to his holy square for others very difficult if not impossible, and therefore the actions of the Commander of the Faithful, peace be upon him, stem from his infallibility from error. The morality of the Commander of the Faithful, Ali (peace be upon him) in the era of the Caliphate. The importance of the study lies in identifying the moral reforms of the government of Imam Ali (peace be upon him) as the most prosperous and most important religious government, and this study can provide Islamic governments and rulers with an appropriate correction and model for the relationship between ethics and politics. The objectives of the study are related to identifying the general concepts of the study by explaining the biography of Imam Ali, peace be upon him, and clarifying the most important moral powers of Imam Ali, peace be upon him, in his government, which allows social, political and judicial justice as they are related to moral reform, as well as identifying the clarification of the reform policy of Imam Ali (peace be upon him) government. As for the original question of the study, it is what are the moral reforms of the Commander of the Faithful Ali (peace be upon him) in the era of the caliphate? As for the hypothesis of the study, it is the multiplicity of moral reforms of the commander of the believers Ali (peace be upon him) during the era of the caliphate, some of them are economically related, which is the return of the misappropriated money of Muslims in previous years. By the Umayyads and returned it to the treasury, as well as what was in the political aspect through the dismissal of the corrupt rulers from the Umayyads and the most important, where they took power as a criterion for their corruption, as well as the disciplinary aspect of the Quraysh through their equality with the rest of the other peoples. The researcher used the historical descriptive method in presenting and explaining the study and collecting its historical information through the biography of the Prophet Muhammad (may God bless him and his family) and the documented narrations of the Ahl al-Bayt (peace be upon them) in order to reach the results related to the original and subsidiary questions as well as hypotheses. The study concluded that the moral reforms of the Imam, peace be upon him, were fundamental reforms in correcting the path that the Islamic community followed in the early days of Islam, due to the deviation that occurred during the rule of the three Caliphs.