Religions in the Qur’an: A comparative study between the interpretations of Shiites and Sunnis

Walid Abbas Itbar Aljabri
Field of study:
Quranic Sciences
Faculty of Quranic Studies
URD Press
Sayed Sadiq Al-Moussawi

The study aimed to clarify the Qur’anic vision and the interpretive vision to religions., through the worship and beliefs of each religion through the interpretations of Shiites and Sunnis to clarify and clarify the agreed and different religions mentioned in the Qur’an, and to present what they are of falsehood and to explain the aspects of its invalidity with the presentation of the truth Focusing on its features, and if we look at the Noble Qur’an, we find that it contains a lot of that, as it has limited the religions that people follow and that do not depart from one of these, namely: Islam, Christianity, Judaism, Sabians, Zoroastrians, and paganism, and also a statement of the difference between legislative laws between their divine rulings. and status, and the importance of the study lies in clarifying the interpretation of religions through the interpretations of Shiites and Sunnis. The commentators who follow the school of Ahl al-Bayt  laid down the rules of this science; Where they cited the beliefs of the people of religions and their worship, and they demonstrated the invalidity of their statements and established the argument against them with transmission and rational evidence.