Analytical-Historical Investigation of Religious Ceremony and traditions in Al-Edris

Mohammed Thani Abbas Abyawi
Field of study:
Islamic History
Faculty of History
URD Press
Heiadar Jafar Hossein Al-Saedi

After the Alawites suffered in a trap, Imam Idris fled to Morocco to the city of Waleili, and the Berber tribes gathered on him and pledged allegiance to him as the Imamate, due to his good qualities and honorable lineage. He was also able, in a short circumstance, to establish the pillars of a strong state on which religious etiquette and traditions were founded, and after his death he was succeeded by his son Idris bin Idris, who expanded in his time, literature and traditions in the Far Maghreb and was able to make the city of Fez a central capital that radiates its cultural, literary and religious light and through it controls all the regions of the state. Literary conditions in general, but we find that the reigns of Idris I and II were characterized by stability, and this encouraged the delegations of new elements from Arabs, Berbers, Persians and Andalusia to reside under the Idrisid state.

The importance of the study lies in the fact that this study is a continuation of one of the missing links in the series of Islamic history, learning about the history of Morocco in the era of independence from the Levantine Caliphate, establishing a state that posed a threat to the Caliphate of Levant, learning about the manners, customs and traditions of the Idrisid state, and allocating large parts of this research Descriptive historical analysis for the pure hands in that Islamic era and the spread of Islam despite their short reign.

The main question revolves around: What are the religious etiquette and traditions in the era of the school? As for the sub-questions posed by the research, they are: Who are the Idrisids and when did the Idriss state arise? What were the morals and religious traditions before the emergence of the Idrisid state in Morocco and Andalusia? What are the morals and religious traditions after the emergence of the Idrisid state in Morocco and Andalusia?

The customs and traditions of this Idrisid state were a mixture of Arabs and Berbers, at a time when large numbers of Berbers lived in the mountainous regions of the country, where they preserved their language and culture, which led to many of their own customs and traditions, as part of the population descended from Spanish refugees. and the Portuguese fleeing colonialism. Idriss in the Maghreb.

The method used in preparing this treatise is the descriptive analytical method, and through the historical Islamic studies of the Idrisids, it sheds light on a period that went through difficult circumstances, escaping the Abbasid persecution to Morocco and a consensus with the Berbers on the unification of the Islamic state in Morocco represented by the Idrisid state.