Abu El_Barakat El_Anbari‘s grammatical argumentation in his book “ Al_insaf fi Masail Al_Khilaf “ A grammatical study in nouns as a sample
- Author:
- Tayseer Doohi Ali
- Level:
- Master
- Field of study:
- Law
- Language:
- Arabic
- Faculty:
- Faculty of Law
- Year:
- 2022
- Publisher:
- URD Press
- Supervisor(s):
- Abir jadery
In this study, it was intended to explain the styles which Abu El-Barakat El-Anbari adopted through demonstrating contentious questions concerning the declinable and indeclinable nouns that functions as a verb in both the Kufi and Basri schools. Those questions were demonstrated with each team’s evidences in detail interestingly. El-Anbari approved one method in his book, in the beginning he presented a brief about the question that both schools agree with. Then he separated the views of both schools with responding to the school which he didn’t approve its methods. Abu El-Barakat El-Anbari’s argumentation included a number of bases that he based his argumentation on. These bases were: measurement, citation, reasoning, explanation, analysis and quotation from Quranic verses, the Prophet’s sayings (Hadith), Arabs’ speech, poetry and prose. In addition, he adopted the argumentation, logic and probability as a basis as well as the intellectual references which he obtained from the origin of principles of studying Arabic grammar which is related with the grammatical school that he followed, not forgetting that Abu El-Barakat El-Anbari was taught by Abu Ali Al-Farsi.
It is clear that Abu El-Barakat El-Anbari avoided everything abnormal, uncommon and kept away from the poems he didn’t know its authors which the Kufis adopted. The theme of the contention wasn’t between the two schools only, but also among the grammarians inside the same school. It might be found that a Basri grammarian is in disagreement with another Basri grammarian, and the case is the same with the kufis. And we might find that some grammarians who belong to the Basri school are in contention with their school’s approach in some issue and the Kufis are no exception.
Anyone follows the contention, has to be acquaint with the individual contentions, assemble and attribute them to their owners, and must know if this contention agrees with the approach that he belongs to. Eventually, the follower has to bring these opinions before its approaches to know how they are in conformity with the rules, bases and mechanism of the approach.