The educational effects of divine trials based on contemporary interpretations of Shiites and Sunnis

Hasan Mohammed Ameen Elias Elias
Field of study:
Quranic Sciences
Faculty of Quranic Studies
URD Press

The subject of divine afflictions and their effects are considered as an important and fundamental axis in the Holy Quran and hadiths. And the narrations are from the  divine  established Sunnah وIn our research, the general meaning of affliction has become apparent to us, which is a test and a test for the servants by exposing them to all kinds of adversity, adversity, pain and blessings, The effects of affliction in the Holy Qur’an are shown, including raising degrees, obtaining good faculties, and high human perfections. The appearance of educational effects in Shiite and Sunni interpretations was evident when they interpreted the verses related to affliction equally.Some of them fall under the title of science and Understanding the facts, and others that have an impact on the heart and soul, Like the attribute of patience on calamities and patience on the part of the Guilt and patience on the various divine commands related to the Absolute obedience and It is for some special servants without them. The position of closeness will not be attained except through affliction and success in advancement and being upright with him.And the necessity of knowledge and action by submitting to God Almighty, seeking help from God Almighty, turning to Him, relying on God Almighty, and trusting the truthfulness of His promise. And that He answers prayers, and that He is over all things powerful, and that His will is above the will of all His servants, and that His remembrance and glorification of God and seeking forgiveness are among the reasons for descending His kindness and And supplies for rounding his private part And reveal the misfortune to them, As it turns out that one of the effects of affliction for his servants He reveals to them the fact that being deceived by the world, its zest and its wealth, and gaining prestige in it, is a constraint of loss with lack of Piety and piety in secret. With gratitude for the blessings, God’s pleasure comes, even if the blessing and the king are great.And He punishes His servants as a discipline for them if they Leave the priority with their lofty position, and He turns away from them evil and immorality, even though they are among the sincere servants. He afflicts His servants in order to purify them and remove the calamity from the nation for their repentance, and to punish them if they persist and Arrogance.Including knowledge of God Almighty and His wisdom and not despair,The importance of supplication and its etiquette has been shown as an educational result of affliction The distinctions in the Shiite interpretations were related to the status of guardianship and infallibility And the Imamate will not be attained by the oppressor himself And the ratio between what was mentioned in the interpretations of the two groups of effects is general from one point of view, He singled out the Shiite interpretations with the greatest impact and the highest ranks of the authority.