The Problem of the Application of Islamic Law in the Constitution of the Civil State with an Islamic Reference
- Author:
- Safen Mahdi Hamad Hamad
- Level:
- Master
- Field of study:
- Low
- Language:
- Arabic
- Faculty:
- Faculty of Law
- Year:
- 2022
- Publisher:
- URD Press
- Supervisor(s):
- Seyed Ali Mirdamad
My tagged message: “The problem of applying Sharia in civil countries with an Islamic reference” is a very important topic in Islamic studies, and politics is the art of managing the affairs of society and ensuring the public interest of the people, an important role played by Islamic teachings, and the ultimate goal of each of its provisions is to protect the interests of society. Therefore, politics in its positive sense of the religious duties of Muslims, and the meaning of “positive meaning” understanding, awareness and pursuit of the interests of the public, and the problem arises in what they say that Islam and other heavenly religions value only spiritual matters, self-cleansing and avoid worldly ranks, and let everyone leave the world and do acts of worship and read the thoughts and prayers that bring man closer to God. The government, politics and the state are contrary to this great spiritual goal, because these things in order to improve the world and conflict with the morals and methods of all great prophets, and this has provoked a wide debate in Islamic circles and others about the concept of a civil state, intellectuals differed in their definition according to their intellectual and religious affiliations, as differed the opinions of scholars in its rule and its connection to the Islamic State village or several, and the research aims to highlight the merits of Islamic law and its ability to take into account human needs, balance and harmonize interests and corrupts, and face developments Emergency in the interests of the nation in all times and places, and the importance of our study in that it addresses an important issue that has to do with the system of government in Islam and Islamic political thought, which is the modern civil state, and there has been a wide debate and mixed reactions on this issue between scholars and other intellectuals, politicians and writers in the modern era, the subject of the study was divided into three chapters, each of which contains two topics, the first chapter was addressed to the statement of concepts The third chapter of the letter came under the name of the view of Islamic law on the pillars of the civil state and the extent to which their objectives are identical, and I followed in writing this research the descriptive approach, taking advantage of the inductive approach, and quoted the graduation of scholars for prophetic hadiths, and concluded my research with a conclusion summarizing its general findings and important recommendations.