Knowledg of God In Allamah Majlesi Point of View
- Author:
- Marzieh Amri
- Level:
- Master
- Subject(s):
- Islamic religions
- Language:
- Farsi
- Faculty:
- Faculty of Islamic Denominations
- Year:
- 2012
- Publisher:
- URD Press
- Supervisor(s):
- Naeimeh PourMohammadi Mahounaki
- Advisor(s):
- Emdad Touran
Allama Majlisi for the revival of traditional science turned to verse and narrative. Allama Majlisi With an emphasis on tradition, Indeed will revive Methods of third and fourth century scholars in Qom including Sheikh Sadough and Koleine that Merely were written whit collections in any of the Islamic sciences Allame majlisi to comply sheikh sadugh with a collection of hadith wroted a theological effect and he is continuant the narrative theology. Allame majlisi in his three haadiths books bharalanvar and Marathi oghoul and alarbyn discusses almost equally of sense of meaning and nature of intellect ( mind) under the title minded and ignoranance. He count several means for reason then declares that the intellect that tradition and the book present as criterion for task reward and punishment understanding and wisdom and perfection is essential intellect reward and punishment understanding and wisdom and perfection is essential intellect that which people are able to distinguish good from evil and to take steps toward good and its benefits. Intellect invites explicitly to religion and wisdom understand religion and admits ( con firm) it. Hence the conventional and God-given wisdom enough to explain and demonstrate the teachings of religion without abstract and philosophical complexities of wisdom. Allame demonstrates that abstraction independent and philosophical wisdom is rejected by narratives And narratives have insisted only using simple and common sense that certainly would be a good faith and will guide human to existence and attributes of God. According to Allame conforming the tradition of narrators and scientists of traditional sciences knowledge of God is innate in human being never is such that knowledge of God be stopped on posted messengers or philosophical argument. According to Allame majlisi the sources of theological knowledge are narratives so on monotheism all doctrine including monotheism concept knowledge of God .proof of God relation between essence and attributes and also quiddity of attributes of God directly are take from narratives in this dissertation we will supply theology by Allame majlisi narrative theologe methed.