Mohammad ibn-e abi omair the theologian(kalamian) character and thoughts

Moharram faizi gonbari
Shia studies
Faculty of Shi’i Studies
URD Press
Mohammad Taghi Ansari sobhani
Mohammad Hasan Nadem

The present study aims to investigate Muhammad ibn Abi Amir’s personality and theological thoughts, one the prominent characters of Kufan School of theology in 2nd and 3rd century AH, based on his own narrations. He is one of Imam Sadiq, Kazim, Reza and Jawad’s (p.b.u.t.) companions who supported Shiite School along with two other well-known Shiite theologians, Husham ibn Hakam and Husham ibn Salim. He was proficient in various sciences including jurisprudence, exegesis, Hadith, theology, and Islamic beliefs. It is proved by his numerous books about the mentioned disciplines. He wrote 6288 narrations. His theological narrations provide a systematic set of authentic Imamite beliefs in his time. This ideological set presents some generalities about Kufan School, Ibn Abi Amir’s personality traits, and his time. Theological, Prophetological, Imamological, and Eschatological thoughts are also investigated. In the theological section, there are discussions about knowledge and its innateness, its time and place. Then, knowing Allah, its types, Allah’s unicity, His characteristics and qualities are dealt with. Ibn Abi Amir stresses on negative theology. Prophetology consists of discussions about necessity of prophethood, general and specific prophethood. Each prophet has to have knowledge and infallibility, argument and miracle. The Imamology section considers general Imamate, including discussions about Imamate, Imam’s knowledge, wisdom, possession, and infallibility. Specific Imamate is also studied which includes Shiite Imams and Mahdism. Eschatology emphasizes on discussions about death, Barzakh (intermediary world), Resurrection Day, heaven, hell, intercession, Islam, faith, and atheism. The papers ends with a conclusion about the discussions presented.