Investigation Of Branches AmongTwelvers
- Author:
- Tayebeh Naghipoor
- Level:
- Master
- Subject(s):
- Shia studies
- Language:
- Farsi
- Faculty:
- Faculty of Shi’i Studies
- Year:
- 2012
- Publisher:
- URD Press
- Supervisor(s):
- Khodamorad Salimian
- Advisor(s):
- Amirmohsen Erfan
From the wive point of the presence or occultation of the infallible Imams, their period could be divided to two periods: presence and occultation.Each of them contains its own characteristics, distinguishing from the other one. Due to the external presence of Imam, at the first period, the filed of the guidance toward the truth also the avoidance from the deviation was better, but there were some digressive sects increasing in the second period i.e. the occultation, especially the minor occultation. There is difference of opinion among the heresiographers about the number of these sects, but it could be divided to five sects such as Waqifiyyah, Muhammadiyyah, Qatei’yyah,Ja’fariyyah and believing to the interruption on Imamah. There are some factors to originate these sects which some of the most important causes are the oppression and bewilderment that engulfed the society over ambition and getting away from the path of Imamah, but the only sect amongst them was Twelver Shi’a that could consolidate its own existence at the center of Islamic government because of Imam Mahdi’s guidance, his deputies deeds, the efforts of Shi’a scholars and also the Imams’ preparation. It shows clearly that in spite of occultation of Imam Mahdi but his significant influence is clear to guide the society. The author of this paper, according to the descriptive-analytic method, is going to prove that Shi’a at the period of the minor occultation got involved in doubt as a result of non publicity of Imam Mahdi birth, also facing to the challenge of occultation and the political pressure of the government. So it happened some branching between Imamiyyah. Of course, due to Imam Mahdi’s guidance, also the efforts of his deputies and Shi’a scholars and the Imams’ preparation, these branches were very limited. Also these branches did not end up to any movement, uprising or government.