“Return to theAge ofIgnorance in Islamic sects’ viewpoints (comparative study of al-Ta’arrobafter immigration) with emphasis oncurrent conditions in contemporary world”

Fiqh religions
Faculty of Islamic Denominations
URD Press

Due to the progress and speed of transportation and improvement of the economic opportunities, the possibility of travel and migration to different countries are more than before. Is it permitted to travel and migrate to all the countries with regard to multiple motives? Don’t the Muslims have any limitations and duties toward traveling to non-Islamic countries? This thesis is attempted to answer these questions and other coming ones with regard to al-Ta’arrob after immigration.  Ta’arrob after immigration means return to the Age of Ignorance and customs of ignorant Arabs after the rise of Islam. The thesis addresses those customs that are not accepted in Islam. According to the Holy Quran and the Infallible’s sayings, return to the age of ignorance and following its customs and leaving the Islamic customs and rules are forbidden. We can conclude that travel to non-Muslim countries in which it is impossible to practice, is not permissible even in emergency cases, such as long-term treatment if it causes to weaken one’s religion. The thesis is divided in three chapters. The first chapter is about the discussion generally and addresses many topics such as the meaning of Ta’arrob, Hijrah, Islamic sects, blasphemy and sin. In the second chapter it is addressed the decree of Ta’arrob in Five- Religion Group (Khamseh) and besides its Quranic and Hadith evidence are considered. Finally, in the third chapter the decrees and results of Ta’arrob are discussed.