Scientific Review of Dialogues between Islam and Christianity in Iran within the Recent Fifty Years

Mahdi Salehi
Abrahamic Religions
Faculty of Religions
URD Press
Mohammad Masjed Jamei
Mehrab Sadegh Nia

Islam and Christianity Compared to other world religions have more followers and thanks to the same fact, any understanding between these two great religions plays an effective role in the dialogue among different Religions and Nations, assisting the deeper cognition of the religious followers and peaceful coexistence of nations. During the past half century, the dialogue between Islam and Christianity has turned from a small brook into a roaring river and from an occasional conference into various meetings, written correspondence, orally formal talks and panel discussions throughout the year in almost every corner of the earth.  As an Islamic country with a long background in relationship with the Christianity, Iran has played a leading role in the contemporary dialogues of Islam and Christianity. And many governmental and non-governmental centers and institutions have taken over the dialogues, particularly after Iran’s Islamic Revolution. This thesis seeks the scientific review of the dialogues between Islam and Christianity within the past fifty years. The method used in this research is qualitative with utilizing a descriptive manner. The results of the present research indicate that Islamic-Christian dialogues in Iran, despite its relative achievements have been encountered with criticisms such as “having ambiguity in the theoretical foundations of knowledge”, “weakness in recognizing others”, ” doubts about the possibility of the Islamic-Christian dialogue”, “lack of overall planning”, “being confined to a low-level dialogue”, ” Failure to extend the dialogue with religious communities and ” a break of dialogue between religious and civilizational dialogues”.