The role of belief to God in giving meaning to life in Islam
- Author:
- Maryam Bakhshi Feleh
- Level:
- Master
- Subject(s):
- Theology
- Language:
- Farsi
- Faculty:
- Faculty of Religions
- Year:
- 2014
- Publisher:
- URD Press
- Supervisor(s):
- Bagher Talebi Darabi
- Advisor(s):
- Khalil Ghanbari
This thesis has studied the role of belief to God in giving meaning to life in Islam. The aim of this inquiry is to explain the giving meaning s traces of the element of belief to God that have introduced according to Islamic sources. In the first place, we have explained the issues of the meaning of life and views about it. Then we have studied the relation between religion and meaning of life, and, after that, the role of belief to God in Islam in giving meaning to life. There are numerous views about the meaning of life that each of them have propounded different meaning for the meaning of life. In general, we could insert all of them under three following meaning: purpose, value and function. Religion plays an important role in giving meaning to life and presents a proper answer to the purpose of the world and human. It gives peace and exhilaration to human and renders easier the sufferings and hardships. The belief to God is the most important element of piety that is necessary condition for meaning of life, but not sufficient condition. According to theists, there are three kinds of belief to God: personal individual God, nonpersonal individual God and unindividual God. To speak of God s creativeness and world s purposefulness will be propounded only in the form of belief to personal individual God. It will be not propounded no longer in unindividual God the case of creativeness and purposefulness. Every thing is God and there is no existent except he that needs to created. In Islam, there is the combination of two believes to personal individual God and unindividual God, without any contrast. Personal individual God has propounded on philosophical- theological aspect, and unindividual God on mystical. To belief to personal individual God giving purpose to human s life. The valuation of life is also the consequence of believing to unindividual God. After two features of purposefulness an valuation, the life will had a positive function. If the life had purpose, value and function, it would follow meaningful.