Possibility of the text understanding in Ayatollah Sadr’s point of view
- Author:
- Seyyed Alireza Naghibpour
- Level:
- Master
- Subject(s):
- Theology
- Language:
- Farsi
- Faculty:
- Faculty of Religions
- Year:
- 2014
- Publisher:
- URD Press
- Supervisor(s):
- Seyyed Hamidreza Hasani
- Advisor(s):
- Shahabodin Vahidi
Discussion about possibility of understanding of the text as a serious and important problem is beholden of the contemporary hermeneutics’ discussions. Although this problem had been discussed in the Usul anyhow, but hermeneutics of Schleiermacher and especially philosophical hermeneutics of Heidegger and Gadamer cause this problem more important. Understanding of the text in the Usuli’s point of view is access to the author intent that can be obtained by the prima-facie meaning (zahir) of the text. Although the intent of author is not obtained by this meaning in certain usually, but in the communications of people access to the author’s intent certainly by the text is not purpose, but mutual understandings be obtained by supporting oneself to the prima-facie meaning (zahir) of the text. Scholars of the Usul believe that addressers of the text just should try to discover intent of the author by using general rules of understanding of the text that stem from that is current between people’s communications. Also the addressers should not intervene any subjective presupposition in the process of the interpretation. Because this not only causes our interpretation of the text be valueless without any validity, but also neglects access to the author intent as the most intellectual confronting to the text. The scholar martyrdom Sadr different between subjective prima-facie meaning and objective prima-facie meaning, believes that objective prima-facie meaning is valid between people. He tries to pass obstacles of the understanding of the text by general intellectual rules of the text understanding. This dissertation discusses about possibility of the text understanding by discussing nature of the text and sources of genesis of its meaning in the Sadr Usuli’s point of view. Also it studies the role of the author, text and reader in the understanding of the text. Finally obstacles of the text understanding has been discussed.