Epistemic value of Mystical Experience From the Views of Essentialists and Constructivists emphasizing the comment “Stace” and “Katz”

Mohammad Babaee
Faculty of Religions
URD Press
Masud Esmaeili

This dissertation seeks to give an account of the essence of epistemic value of Mystical Experience and its components and constituents from the Views of Essentialists and Constructivists from the Views of Essentialists and Constructivists emphasizing the comment “Stace” and “Katz”. The scholars and philosophers of religion and mysticism in the west have proposed some significant theories in this regard. Generally speaking, all these theories and perspectives can be classified as follows:Sentimentality and emotionality of mystical experience (western emotionalists’ point of view) (Essentialism).The correspondence of mystical experience and empirical experience (manifestation basedness of mystical experience; W. P. Alston’s point of view) (Essentialism).Structuredness of mystical experience (western structuralist’s point of view). These three theories have been broached by western thinkers and they have all been thoroughly examined in this dissertation and the result is that none of these theories is competent enough to be an impeccable theory. Finally it seems that to find the best account for this problem we need to return to metaphysical attitude, like Muslim thinkers, while taking concrete and tangible evidences into consideration, a la western thinkers, and the westerners’ non ـ metaphysical solution to this problem is not working at all and fails to give a fundamental analysis of the issue. Regarding these theories together with their all whites and blacks we can obtain a partially comprehensive and harmonious stance on this issue.