Quranic principles of chivalry lasting low _Rvayy
- Author:
- Kamyar Karimpour
- Level:
- Master
- Subject(s):
- Sufism and Islamic mysticism
- Language:
- Farsi
- Faculty:
- Faculty of Mysticism
- Year:
- 2014
- Publisher:
- URD Press
- Supervisor(s):
- Amir Javan Arasteh
- Advisor(s):
- Morteza karbalaei
Vjvanmrdy Generosity means that man’s spiritual perfection is achieved Vrzayl to eliminate their Drvjvd Certain virtues such as: Puncture, forgiveness, courage, courtesy, chivalry is highly regarded in the arrest of the weak, the oppressed is right Vstandn With respect to the deterioration of the concepts mentioned in Society Sui and religious nature of our society, The need to bring the man to the generosity of Mnzrdyny that its goal is the moral perfections, Is doubled. The problem discussed in this paper, the status of generosity and fairness in the Qur’an and Sunnah of the Prophet (PBUH & HP and HP) and his holy progeny (as) And the ratio of what is historically known as the Code of fairness in the field of culture and Islamic civilization is formed With the religious teachings As a conclusion we can say that in the majority of lessons, joint and in some cases, such as customs, and non-compliance with some of Sharia by some Ftyan, are different.