The Emendation of second chapter of Futooh- ul- Mujahedeen byMohammad Mo,men Tabib Tonekaboni
- Author:
- Iman Amini
- Level:
- Master
- Subject(s):
- Sufism and Islamic mysticism
- Language:
- Farsi
- Faculty:
- Faculty of Mysticism
- Year:
- 2014
- Publisher:
- URD Press
- Supervisor(s):
- Shahram Pazooki
- Advisor(s):
- Mohammad Rasoul Maleki
The normal consequence of rising disputes between the orthodox and the Sufis of Iran, getting more drastic since the Safavid Era, was the formation of a new style in the eclectic Sufi literature. A style which in one hand attempted to adapt the teachings of Sufism and Shiism and on the other hand, through a dialectical tone, tried to respond mostly excommunicating Raddyya works of the Ikhbari orthodox, to unveil ambitious face of fundamentalist clerics through announcing non–religious concerns as their real purposes from criticizing Sufism. Here, beside some significant works like Molla Sadra, s epistle of Si Asl and Mohammad Taghi Majlesi, s Responses, Shareef ghomi, s Tuhfat-ul- Ushagh and Tonekaboni, s Tabsarat –ul- Mo, menin are more outstanding than the others. In this thesis one of these dialectical works, Tabib Tonekaboni, s Futooh- ul- Mujahedeen, has been emendated in addition to surveying the grounds of this disputes including some influential figures of the scene.