A Phenomenological Survey of Chahar-bagh style in Safavid architecture
- Author:
- Zahra Meqdadi
- Level:
- Master
- Subject(s):
- Philosophy and Art
- Language:
- Farsi
- Faculty:
- Faculty of Religions
- Year:
- 2015
- Publisher:
- URD Press
- Supervisor(s):
- Seyyed Razi Moosavi Gilani
- Advisor(s):
- Seyyed Amir Koushei
Chahar-bagh as a landscape and architectural style in the light of Muslim Persian religious-knowledge attitude in Safavid dynasty has been a unique manifestation.With respect to the concept of Quran’s fourfold paradises and the relating of Infallibles (AS)’ life style, Chahar-bagh is known as Islamic architecture. Also, Islamic traditions such as reviving wastelands, regarding to the Spoils (enfagh) especially devotion (vaghf) have had an effect on Safavid Chahar-bagh. Considering to a phenomenological attitude, the concept of Quranic paradise in Safavid time and in the field of Shiite traditions with Chahar-bagh concept has been connected beautifully.Thus, people’s world life which is derived from religious and mystic facts will put forward us. As a result of this holly connection, a paradise-like system is formed in the literature and Safavid’s art. Similarly, not only Isfahan in 11th and 12th (A.H.) was turned into a great and memorable garden by beautiful and paradise-like Chahar-baghs, but also the concept of paradise and garden from poem and literature in that time to arts such as carpets, paintings, hand-painted cotton fabrics, etc are combined with each other. Architecture style as Chahar-bagh in Safavid dynasty in four chapters by a qualitative phenomenological approach and library method has been analyzed in this research. However, it has applied evidences such as archeological findings, semantics of garden and Chahar-bagh, written reports by tourists and historians, and also, literature (verse and prose) and Safavid’s art (miniatures’ paintings, carpets,…).