Book translating Karma:Freedom and Responsibility
- Author:
- Abbas Ghorbany
- Level:
- Master
- Subject(s):
- Non-Abrahamic religions
- Language:
- Farsi
- Faculty:
- Faculty of Religions
- Year:
- 2016
- Publisher:
- URD Press
- Supervisor(s):
- Mohammad Mahdi Alimardi
- Advisor(s):
- Alireza Shojai
A lot of classical Indian school of thought believe the doctrine of karma. The word of karma mean s deed and action. Deeds divide at two group good deed and bad deed. According to law of karma each human that performs deed he will see results of deed or will be similar his deeds. However use word of karma differ at Hinduism and buddsim and Jainisim.Therefore point of view Jainism is different of other religions.each religion regarding the your thinking use of word of karma.karma cause pleasure or unpleasure humans at their life. East religions belive to realation between karma with responsible.It belives that it is fruit of realation between them. Perhaps result that will show at one another life.result that lead to freedom of human. The doctrine of karma is one of the most important and fundamental doctrines of classical indian philosophy. The most classical indian philosophy known that reason bondage is karma and ignorance. The doctrine of karma cause be believe to transmigration and samsara. In fact Samsara cause is rebirth. A person maybe see results of his deeds and maybe seenot results of his deeds. Freedom relate to karma. Each human that performs karma in time he achieves to freedom.however canot remark on that is freedom of pain. The doctrine of karma determine that one human can be a karta when he performs action.karma and karta relate together and them relate karmapala.karmapala is result unique karma with karta.Relation them cause to create karmapala.