Study of Sheikhain’s Behavior on Governing Compared to Imam Ali’s Behavior

Hossein Mostafavi zade
The difference between Shiites
Faculty of Shi’i Studies
URD Press
Mohammadreza Jabbari
Ali Aghanoori

The effect of some historical events in a community is sometimes far beyond the time of the incident, which requires researchers to carefully examine and analyze these historical bottlenecks. Among these cases in the history of Islam, it is the flow of the caliphate council and the provision of “action to the Sheikhain” for the caliph elected by Abd al-Rahman ibn Awf. The refusal of this condition by Imam Ali (peace be upon him) caused the caliphate to be handed over to Osman bin Afan for twelve years. The question now arises is how Shaykh’s regime was in governance, on the one hand, Abd al-Rahman ibn Awf. Insisted on its action, and on the other hand, Imam Ali (PBUH) refused to accept this condition and gave up the government. In order to answer this question, this research explores Sheikhain ‘s sect in of political, economic and social cultural areas. The hypothesis of this study is that the two in each of the three domains have a clerical secret that was not only in harmony with the book and the tradition of the Prophet (SA), but in many cases contradicted it. In most cases, this research seeks to explain what is meant by a descriptive method, and it is only in a series of issues with analysis. The compilation of the materials was done in a library and also using electronic resources such as Islamic science software and the Internet.