The role of Shiite Imams In Growth and development of Shiite beliefs

Mahdi Abdollahi
Studies of Shiite history
Faculty of Shi’i Studies
URD Press
Mohammad Reza Jabbari
Mohammad Ansari

Shiites, throughout history, have passed periods and times and have had evolutions and always lived under the supervision of the Shia Imams. “The nature, causes and method” of Imams’ role in the guidance, supervision and development of the Shia faith always has been examined carefully by Shiite scholars. In the meantime, Shiism has been charged by accusations such as exaggeration or ideological deviation, falsehood and superstition. So we must by revealing the central role of Shia Imam in development of Shia beliefs, prove their Immunity from deviation And, by explaining the methods and approaches of Imams, Show how they play The role of guidance and supervision of Shiite beliefs. In this study, during the definition of imam, Shiite, and Shiite beliefs, the nature, causes of Imams’ role will be studied. And also to explain the quality of imams’ role, their historic mission, as well as the social aspect of their presence in the 250-year-old society and Individual aspect of their mission will be studied By title of “The approaches and strategies of Imams” in the guidance and supervision of Shia beliefs. In this study, we will explain that Shiism is Stipulated movement; So actions of all the prophets have been in the manifestation of the divine flow that was clearly apparent after the Islam Prophet and solidity of Imam Ali’ Velayah (peas be upon him). From the perspective of the philosophy of history, the evolution of the Shia community Based on the teachings of the Prophet and His household and with their guidance and supervision can be proved.  And also it will be revealed that Shiite essential beliefs, Under their guidance, has grown in three basic steps: “political and Identity stabilization of Shiism”, “Knowledge and belief stabilization of Shiism” and “Structural and social stabilization of Shiism”. These three steps occurred, Respectively, In “the era of the Prophet to Imam Sadegh and Imam Kazem”, “the era of Imam Sadegh and Imam Kazem” and ” the era of Imam Sadegh and Imam Kazem to Major Occultation”.  And Shia beliefs that are rooted in the Prophet time have been completed in these three steps and in three stages. Imams had an influential role in three aspects: “mental and spiritual”, “Knowledge and belief” and “behavioral and practical”. And therefore we realize that the main factor in the evolution of Shia beliefs was the Spiritual role of Imams and Their Orientation to Inner desires, Psychological tendencies and heart desires of believers. With Creation and Orientation of “Love and Hatred” in the hearts of believers, Imams provided the perfect ground for the formation and growth of their “Thoughts and knowledge” and Correction of their “Behavior”.