Emam Hossein And Ashora Insurrection in Resources of Gnostic Sunni and Shiah

Mohammad Bagher Saeedi
Sufism and Islamic mysticism
Faculty of Mysticism
URD Press
Amir Javan Arasteh
Ghader Hafez

Imam Hussein has a special place among the Imams, which explores the angles of personality and his luminous life, and especially the glorious Karbala uprising, always leads to valuable achievements. Considering this great personality from the perspective of the mystics, whether Sunni or Shiite, it is certainly true and applicable, because in the mystical tradition, Imam Hussein (PBUH) is a symbol of apparent freedom. The true message of the Separate of Love, in Karbala, is love and freedom. The explanation of the mysticism of Imam Hussein (PBUH) and Hosseini’s personality guide people and recognize the straight path of truth. The path of the Imam is the path of the heart, and the mystic man can recognize the frontier of right and wrong in this way and approach the perfection of the perfect man and take the pure mysticism. Most of the Sunni mystics agree and confirm the uprising of Imam Hussein (PBUH) and believe that the uprising of Karbala is correct and correct. On the other hand, Shiite mystics also believe in the resurrection of Imam as a source of love and affection. From his point of view, accepting divine authority is submission to being purely against divine orders, this analysis constitutes Ashura as the place of righteousness and the ascension to the highest levels of humanity. In the belief, the martyrdom of the Imam Hussein (PBUH) was the effect of the love that he loved and wanted, and the best way to respond to this love of the game is to testify only because the lovers are only satisfied and pleased.