A Comparison of Cinvat Bridge in Mazdaism religion and Sirat in Islamic Narrations
- Author:
- Seyyed Mohammad Mousavi
- Level:
- Master
- Subject(s):
- Non-Abrahamic religions
- Language:
- Farsi
- Faculty:
- Faculty of Religions
- Year:
- 2018
- Publisher:
- URD Press
- Supervisor(s):
- Seyyed Saeed Reza Montazeri
- Advisor(s):
- Mostafa Farhoudi
The resurrection belief is one of the basic principles of divine religions because human souls’ destiny will be recognized there and whatever they have done including good and bad deeds will be judged. As AVESTAEE and PAHLAVI texts of Zoroastrianism has pointed out a great deal of topics for knowing the resurrection, it also has been noticed in Quran and Islamic narrations. Believing in the resurrection and hereafter is one of the basic principles of Zoroastrianism. The end of peoples’ life and the end of the world are two aspects relating to this. Eternity is the hope after death and it makes human’s real position clear. Although corpse would destroy, human was created to exist not the opposite which is evil’s weapon and his triumph. On the contrast, in Zoroastrianism AHOURA MAZDA should win at last and humans’ complete eternity is in that. So death is not the end but the entrance to a new round of existence. It is just human’s soul that leaves the corpse. Once death and hereafter assume importance, the position of Chinvat Bridge or bridge of judgment, which is the place for recognizing humans’ destiny, is clear. Chinvat Bridge is the name of a bridge in hereafter which souls pass from it. It is the bridge between two worlds. It is also by this bridge that souls are faced with the result of whatever they have done. In Islam, hereafter assumes importance because the world is based on right and justice. Thus this world lacks capacity for both good and bad peoples’ punishment. As a result of divine’s justice, there would be a judgment day for peoples’ deeds to be punished or praised.