Mahayana Buddhist Tradition farewok the Lakatos’s Research Program basis of Lotus sutra by Nikkyo Niwano

Neda DowlatAbadi Farahani
Non-Abrahamic religions
Faculty of Religions
URD Press
Khalil Ghanbari
Alireza Shojai

As the important issue in the various schools of philosophy of science is the structure of the experimental sciences, as well as philosophy of religious science. Buddhist theology is one of the fields of religious science and has a structure similar to science. To prove this claim we research to different schools in the philosophy of science and selected the theory of research program. Because other schools of philosophy of science have failed to make enough claims on this claim. Although Lakatos’s research program is often used in analyzing the flows of empirical sciences and social sciences, according to the prevailing spirit, this analytical model has the ability to adapt and exploit in other intellectual and theological currents. In Lakatos’s view, science is a research program that is composed of auxiliary and nuclear theories and has been able to explain science well than other schools. To allow us to apply Lakatos’s theory to Buddhist theology, we need to consider the Buddhist text as a travel stamp or product of the mystical experience. The claim that science is Buddhism is because Buddhism always follows the experiential reality. The text of the Buddhist scriptures, like the structure of experimental sciences, has personal and kidney propositions. The personal propositions are the same as the mystical experience of Buddha, and are the propositions of all Buddhist beliefs and beliefs that are temporary, valid, and overlapping, which, over time, change the properties of time. We used Forman’s theory analysis to structure Buddhist experience with the research program model. We put the Buddha’s mystical experience as a central and consistent theory in the core of the program and the Buddha’s intuitive experiences. According to Forman and Lakatos, intuitive experiences are not pure experience. They are expensive in theory, so they are not altogether and they are coming to an end.