Practical spiritual wayfaring of view of Najaf School With emphasis on the works of by Ayatullah Sa’aadat Parvar

Mohammad Nikusohbat Rahimi
Sufism and Islamic mysticism
Faculty of Mysticism
URD Press
Fatemeh Saadaat Musavi Harami
Rahman Bolhasani

This article at hand gives an insight into the practical spiritual wayfaring according to the school of thought based in Najaf al-Ashraf with particular emphasis on the pioneering role played by Ayatullah Sa’aadat Parwar. What is meant by practical spiritual wayfaring here is the esoteric stations and the techniques implemented to achieve them in order to attain this inner cleansing of the soul, which Sa’aadat Parwar not only expounded upon but implemented in his very own life. This article has attempted to delve into the various aspects of spiritual wayfaring with three main topics discussed; the foundations, techniques and the effects of this path. These three particulars that have mentioned are amongst that which separates the spiritual wayfaring school of Najaf from the rest of the gnostic pathways. For this very reason, famous gnostic figures from Najaf such as Ayatullah Sa’aadat Parwar, who were amongst the leading figures of this methodology and pathway, painted a different strategy altogether in reaching this end goal of spirituality.According to these specific spiritual masters, the closest and best way of reaching deep cognisance of Allah (God Almighty) and the removal of the esoteric veils was in fact having deep cognisance of the self, precisely what this articles intends to present and expound upon. The most distinguishing factor of this spiritual school of thought in contrast to others however, is the objectives and intended goals at hand. The sole objective of this methodology is reaching and attaining the peak of servitude to Allah (God Almighty). These spiritual masters have stressed upon the idea that the highest form of perfection of the human being and the only way of finding complete inner peace and contentment is by having deep cognisance of Allah (God Almighty). Keeping the above in mind, the technique of wayfaring according to Ayatullah Sa’aadat Parwar has been discussed in order to enlighten the readers as to how this end goal is achieved. In his opinion, one cannot accomplish such a feat unless a few essential factors are present; the first and foremost of them being knowledge of the essentials of faith and its law. Without this key ingredient, one’s striving and struggles on this pathway will bear little or no fruits at all.