The System of Emerging themes in animal slaughter from the perspective of Religions

Ali namavi
Fiqh religions
Faculty of Islamic Denominations
URD Press
mahdi Noroozi
Reza Samiei

This writing is an applied research that, through a descriptive approach, based on the library-documentary approach, identifies emerging themes of the euthanasia in jurisprudential religions and focuses on animal euthanasia in the field of “animal feed”, “emerging practices of production and preservation” and its” uses. ” The thematic approach of this research and the limitations in its size have prevented the elaboration and analysis of the jurisprudence of the mentioned issues and thus have been confined to the most important view of the religions. Also, these restrictions have prevented detailed addressing into the field of plant and synthetic feed, so only emerging issues have been identified. However, whether based on the particular status of variable expansions and ijtihad in Sunni jurisprudence or the need to accurately identify themes in order to ascertain the true and fixed verdict of that subject, talking about phenomenology and addressing emerging issues plays the special role in the process of inference in the Farraginian jurisprudence and the approximation of jurisprudential religions. The key question in the present study is, “What are the emerging themes of the Book of Satisfaction in the Two Areas of Feeding and the Ways of Its Preservation and in What Order Will They Be Presented?” These include: 1. “What are the emerging topics in animal feed”; 2. “Emerging topics in food production and preservation”. The main question, together with these two sub-questions, form the structure of the chapters and sections of this thesis. In response to the main question and two sub-questions, the initial conception of the research hypothesis is that the emerging themes identified in the Book of Taqmah can be explained and presented for jurisprudential inference, given the famous jurisprudential order in each of the five religions. Taken together, the findings of this study at least come to the conclusion that addressing the system of slaughter is, on the one hand, the need of the Islamic state, with a multi-religious canvas, and has a fully functional aspect and, on the other hand, the necessity of the scientific prosperity of jurisprudence. Approximately, it is a systematic presentation of the emerging issues of the Jurisprudential and Concomitant Tale Book that provides a field of applied research for jurisprudential circles. In addition, this study attempts to take a step in starting the process of responding to this set by “identifying a regular set of issues in the subject of the Book and defining and analyzing their terminology and identifying the related jurisprudential verdicts”.