Shirk from the view point of Imamiyya and Ahl-e Hadith till the appearance of Ibn Taymiyyeh

AbduRRahim Rezapour
Islamic Denominations
Faculty of Islamic Denominations
URD Press
Mahdi Farmanian
Aynullah Khademi

Given the statements and references made by Ahl-e Hadith (the People of Hadith) to the meaning of Rabb (lit. Lord), it becomes clear that they have sought a general meaning of this term which also includes “Creator” and “Owner”. Therefore, if Ahl-e Hadith have, in their sayings, negated shirk in Rububiyyah (polytheism in Lordship) on the part of the pagans of Mecca, that does not mean the negation of shirk in its particular meaning. However, the Imamiyyah branch of Islam seeks the special meaning of Rabb which refers to contriving the affairs of the world believing in concomitance between Rububiyyah (lordship) on the one hand and creatorship and ownership on the other. When it comes to the relationship between shirk in lordship and shirk in actions, the People of Hadith, referring to the oneness of shirk in lordship and shirk in the actions, assert that shirk in actions is nothing but shirk in lordship. However, Imamiyyah is of the view that these types of polytheism are two different concepts. The Shirk in action is subservient to and apart from the Shirk in lordship. As for the relationship between shirk in lordship and shirk in ‘ibadah (worship), the People of Hadith and Imamiyyah, relying on Quranic doctrines, believe in concomitance between monotheism (tawhid) in lordship and monotheism in ‘ibadah and the same concomitance is there between shirk in lordship and shirk in ‘idadah (worship). According to the People of Hadith and Imamiyya, the pagans of Mecca had shirk in rububiyyah as well as ibadah, because the belief in rububiyyah in idols was the reason of why the pagans of Mecca and other polytheists worshipped the idols. In their works many of modernist Salafism have made historical mistake by claiming that the shirk of the pagans of Mecca was limited to the shirk in Ibadah. Although, the people of hadith, Shia and Sunni prominent thinkers, in regards to the intercession, believed in oneness in rububiyyah and ibadah, but they have never opposed in tawassul (recourse), instead. Considering that Shafa’ah is a kind of intercession with Allah for asking for something like forgiving sins, we conclude that shafa’ah is freed from any problems, according to the Holy Quran, though, the problem is, How to Intercede?  Therefore, if we intercede those who are permitted by Allah within the framework of Allah’s management system and get Allah’s favor, the oneness in rubibiyyah and ibadah would be in order.