The Conception of Quran,s being Attester and confirmer of The Testaments and Its Functions in The Dialouge Among Abrahamic Religions
- Author:
- Ahmad Salami
- Level:
- Ph.D
- Subject(s):
- Theology
- Language:
- Farsi
- Faculty:
- Faculty of Religions
- Year:
- 2018
- Publisher:
- URD Press
- Supervisor(s):
- Seyyed Mohammad Ali Ayazi, Ali Akbar Abdol Abadi
- Advisor(s):
- Mohammad Mahdi Alimardi
One of the important interreligious issues is the viewpoint of one religion about the sacred texts of other religions. This issue gains more importance when it comes to Abrahamic religions with a common root and lots of followers. This is a fundamental question that what is the position of Quran about the Bible and what are the functions of it in dialogues among Abrahamic religions. In many verses, Quran declares its being attester of the “Preceding Books” as well as “what is beside the People of the Book (Jews and Christians), and its being confirmer of them in another single verse, the two Quranic notions about which different viewpoints raised. To discover whether Quran recognizes the connection between the Bible and revelation and how, we use semantic analysis and other interpretational methods and historical documents to study the verses related to the problem, and to find a justified approach toward the Bible. Finally it is concluded that Quran considers itself in the continuation of Torah and Gospel as the same books belonging to the People of the Book. Also it is not conveyed from the Quran that Torah and Gospel are distorted, although some advantages (such as: elaboration) are mentioned for Quran compared to the Preceding Books. It could be understood from the historical documents that Torah and Gospel are different to Quran in relying on revelation as a source, that is a kind of spiritual reliance and oral quotation based on being narrative (as the other Hadith books in Islamic culture). According to this approach it is necessary to consider the requisites of being narrative. This assumption has some functions specially in a better understanding of religious texts and the dialogues of Islam with Judaism and Christianity based on sacred text and could enhance relations between the followers of these religions and their more proximity.