An Analysis of Relation of Shari’at( Divine Law) and Tariqat (Mystical Path) Ni’matollahiah Gonabadi Sufi Order with emphasis on their holy places

Ensieh Yaghoubi
Sufism and Islamic mysticism
Faculty of Mysticism
URD Press
Shahram Pazooki
Reza Elahi Manesh

The extent of commitment to shariah (canonical laws), always is an important criterion for the critics of Sufism and ordinary persons who their first perceptions of religion is the outward aspect of religionand its practices and rituals. On this base and given criterion, this research in its important goal, survey the shariah and practices of Ni’matollahi Gonabadi Order. In other word, the first hypothesis of this thesis is based on the correspondence of beliefs and practices of the followers of this order (on traditional standards), so not only the their doctorines and practices are weighed, but also, along searching about their monasteries and their functions, it seeks arguments for confirmation of its own claim. In the first approach, with a look on sayings and hagiography (biography) of spiritual poles (Qutb) of this Sufi path in the form of writings, didactic beliefs and practical commands, some rules is enduced that is counted as doctrinal rules and suluki (conductive) kingpin of the Order. Then, relations of these rules to the shariah are evaluated. In the second approach, along with giving reports about their three holy places (Soltaniah, Amir soleimani and Ha`ery monasteries) and commands of poles about performing of Sufi gatherings, status of terms in this thesis is mapped and in proceeding the survey is done about the importance of these places with monastery of other orders. Result of this research in observations and consideration in opinions and writings of  masters and followers of this order. indicates commitment of them to shariah rules and precepts, functionally and mentally. Also, according to the rules of order, conscious insistence and deliberate commitment on preferable and recommended practices of religion can be shown as items of differences between the Sufis and non-sufis. So accusation of antagonism toward formal Islam and absence of commitment (to it)between the real Sufis, should be considered:Thus, according to the accomplishment of this thesis, the accusation is not verifiable in this order.