Istikhara In Shia and Sunni Sources

Shia Historical Studies
Studies of Shiite history
Faculty of Shi’i Studies
URD Press
Ali Aghanoori
Mohammad Ali Modaresi

Istikhara is one of the good practices that has been introduced and recommended by Islam. A short comparison between Shia and Sunni Hadith collections reveals that Shia, blessed by the teachings of the Ahlulbayt (a), possesses a rich tradition and vast background in the practice of Istikhara. By comparing the number of Hadith existing in Sunni tradition on the topic of Istikhara with that of Shia Hadith, one can realize the significance of this issue in the teachings of the Ahlulbayt (a). Such prominence and attention, specially the diversity of the related supplications and their excellent and spiritual content, and the variety of the related practices and formulas, show the profoundness of Shia sources and the special attention given by the Ahlulbayt (a) to the momentary connection between the servant and almighty God. After acknowledging the position of Istikhara and its legitimacy in both Shia and Sunni traditions, the study of Shia and Sunni Hadith sources shows that Istikhara in its literal sense, which means requesting goodness from God – and is a form of supplication- is a recommended practice in both sects. This is to the point that learning Istikhara has been advised along learning the Holy Qur’an. Istikhara as a supplication has different forms, some of which require certain conditions and special features. This kind of (direct) supplication is the best kind of Istikhara, and it has been referred to, in this research, as the preferable Istikhara. Another kind of Istikhara is the determinative Istikhara (indirect or with medium). Making Istikhara by the Holy Qur’an, Subha (rosary), little stones, Bunduq, Ruq’a (pieces of writing) and consultation, are among different forms of determinative Istikhara. Narrations about these forms of Istikhara in Shia and Sunni sources of Hadith are presented in this research.