The indicative exegesis method The exegesis of the gifts of the Rahman is a model

oday Ayman Yahya Al-Jazaery
Field of study:
Quranic Sciences
Faculty of Quranic Studies
URD Press

    The subject of the indicative interpretation curriculum is one of the important issues related to the interpretation process, as it is considered one of the interpretive methods, but it was not searched independently from the rest of the approaches, uncovering its ambiguity and the correct statement of the sick in it. And giving the correct model, and how was this method used in explaining the gifts of the Merciful? I dealt with all that is related to the indicative approach, starting with the various designations that fall under it, such as the mystical, Sufi, Shahudi and Erfani, then the opinions of those who support and reject it and discuss them.

   He mentioned the correct one, and mentioned its various divisions with evidence and media words and giving the correct example to it as well, which is the Book of Mawhibat Al Rahman in the interpretation of the Qur’an.

    The first chapter included the preliminary investigations, the colleges, the basics of investigation, and the definition of the Book of the Gifts of the Most Merciful, while the second chapter included the methods of interpretation of the Holy Qur’an (with an emphasis on the interpretation of the gifts of the Rahman), and the third chapter included the sections of the methodology of the indicative interpretation of the Holy Qur’an (with emphasis on the gifts of the Holy Qur’an). And the fourth chapter, in which we talked about the foundations and premises of the indicative interpretation approach (with an emphasis on the interpretation of the gifts of the Rahman), then the results, conclusion and recommendations.

   The investigative method that this study followed is the descriptive analytical method, and the inductive approach to collect the diaspora of this topic and its individuals, shed light on it, and a correct statement of its infertility.

    The results of the study are that there is a partnership between the indicative, Sufi, Sufi, and Erfani methodology, and it is divided into correct and corrupt according to the observance of the rules, and many scholars have worked with it.