The Concept of Guardianship Between Allama Tabatabai and Fakhr Al-Razi (A Comparative Study)
- Author:
- Adel Kazem Abdullah Lafta Al-Maliki
- Level:
- Master
- Field of study:
- Quranic Sciences
- Language:
- Arabic
- Faculty:
- Faculty of Quranic Studies
- Year:
- 2022
- Publisher:
- URD Press
- Supervisor(s):
- Seyyed Muhammad Imam
Guardianship has never been far from man, as it has been closely attached to him since his inception on the face of the earth, because it is an innate need that God created the human soul with, and because man needs someone who meets his needs and fulfills his desires, as he cannot obtain his needs of food, clothing and security. Except by meeting and cooperating with his kind. The importance of guardianship appears from the fact that man is a social being who cannot live alone, rather he must mix and mix with others. Islam is the perfect religion, which was legislated by the gentle and expert – in which he explained everything that humans need, even the etiquette of relieving oneself – he clarified to us the matter of guardianship, its rulings, its rules and what is related to it. Without a statement or explanation. The subject of guardianship in the Islamic religion constitutes an essential and important pillar. Islam is a comprehensive and integrated religion that includes aspects of human life, and no aspect of it has been neglected. Considering the Holy Qur’an is the constitution, method, and guide for the Islamic nation, we find that the guardianship is given great care and given special attention with the Sunnah of the Prophet. It has been stipulated in many places, and referred to in other places. Where they dealt with the foundations and rules of the state and its types. Islam is an integrated system that was found to govern the types of human behavior (individual and collective). It is one of the foundations of the relationship between the state and individuals, as well as the relationship with states, and a mixture of them. Guardianship in all its manifestations is the immortal call of God to Adam, peace be upon him, and his offspring after him, when he said: “I am going to create a caliph on the earth” (Al-Baqarah:30). Whether it is a formative mandate, a legislative mandate, a social mandate, an explanatory mandate, or something else, God Almighty has mentioned to himself of the mandate because of His Almighty saying: The Holy Qur’an explicitly urges all believers to obey the ruler, as the Almighty says: “O you who believe, obey God and obey the Messenger and those in authority among you” (An-Nisa: 59).