The Manifestations of Narration in the Poetry of Dabba in the Pre-Islamic Era and Islam

Mohammed Sultan Hussein Hussein
Field of study:
Arabic language and literature
Faculty of Nations Cultures and Languages
URD Press
Abeer Jadri

The term narration is a new concept that the ancient Arabs knew by the name of story, which is the transfer of the event from its realistic image to the linguistic image, that is, it means how to narrate the story. Narration is one of the most prominent and common manifestations of our authentic Arabic heritage, especially in poetry. The ancient Arab literature in general and the literature of the Jahili period in particular are full of narratives, which is an obvious phenomenon in the poetry of the Dhabah tribe during the Jahili period and Islam. Narrative was a tool to portray their continuous conflict with the conditions around them, the environment and other tribes. The poets of Dhabah, whose poetic texts have reached us, are full of narration with a beautiful style. They have their own stories, poems and adventures with which they cross the deserts and by mentioning it, they shorten the nights and take its themes from the news and their glorious days. It is worth noting that the texts that have come down to us contain narration in their style, so knowing the theme of narration in their poetry requires study and research. In their poetry, the elements of event, character, time, place and dialogue are available to form a narrative text that we have studied and analyzed with the descriptive-analytical research method. The current research has been done to reveal this important aspect of the great Arab heritage. One of the most important results of the research is that most of Dhabeh’s poems are in the form of fragments and not complete poems in which they bring their events and their poetry is a historical document and confirms the meaning they are talking about. “Event” has a distinct presence in the narrative text of Dhabeh poets and “events” are diverse; Some have a real external reference and some have a mental and internal reference. The poets of the Dhabah tribe have been able to narrate their events with structural patterns and convey it to the audience. Character is a clear narrative effect and plays a role in creating the narrative structure of most of their poetic texts and interacts with other narrative elements. The characters are different and they are main or secondary. The element of time forms a framework for Dhabeh poets that includes other elements such as place, event and character. Time may appear in two ways; real time or spiritual time; In the first type, the poet depicts his events, attitudes, and adventures, and in the second type, he is accompanied by feelings that express inner pain and sorrow.

There are two types of place in their poetry: a lovely place that has a deep place in the poet’s heart and is a source of pride, nostalgia for the place of loved ones and the past that penetrated the poet’s soul. Next to it, we see a hostile place that causes feelings of sadness, pain and hardship; Especially places of captivity, killing of heroes or a specific place that makes the poet feel homesick due to the fear it instills in him. The conversation in their poetry occupies a lot of space; It is as if they found it an escape from worries and complaints and expressed their concerns through internal dialogue and expressed their spiritual and inner emotions or through external dialogue, they talked with family, friends and clan members or even enemies. External dialogue has a wider presence in their poetry. The tools and methods of conversation are also different between asking, calling, and commanding.