Levels of saints(God’s” protégés”(awliya’))in Islamic mysticism and its evaluation with narrations.

Javad moradi
Field of study:
Sufism and Islamic mysticism
Faculty of Mysticism
URD Press
Morteza Karbalaee
Rahman Bolhasani

The existence of ranks and classes for the saints is one of the common beliefs among Sufis and mystics who have paid special attention to the issue of guardianship and knowledge of the guardian.

There is a need for research on the extent to which this issue is consistent with the narrations of the Infallibles (peace be upon them.

The theory of guardianship and knowledge of the guardian is one of the most important teachings of Islamic mysticism.

Sufis and mystics, citing Islamic verses (passages) and hadiths, believe that the saints of God have different degrees and levels with God Almighty.

According to this belief, the saints of God in Islamic mysticism have several classes and a certain number.

Each of these classes is named after letters such as Qutb, Individuals, Otad, Abdal, Abrar, Akhyar, Nojaba and Noqaba.

The present study aims to investigate the amount of coherency and the consistency of the words of mystics with the narrations of the Infallibles (peace be upon them) in this matter, to explore the literal and idiomatic meaning of guardianship, types of guardianship, connection of guardianship and prophethood and discuss the classes of saints in detail. And the evaluation of this issue with the narrations has expressed the commonalities and differences.

The result is that both the classes of saints and their number are derived from narrations; Although its naming is not clearly and directly taken from the narrations; But the words used for all classes are all taken from the text of the narrations.