The Manuscript of Description of Factors of Syntax “Qazi Mostafa Ibn Yusuf Mostari (Study and research)

Maryam Maaroof Mohammed Al-bayati
Field of study:
Arabic language and literature
Faculty of Nations Cultures and Languages
URD Press
Abd al-Saheb Tahmasebi

This study examines and studies the book “Qazi Mustafa bin Yusuf almustari entitled “the manuscript on the description of syntactic factors” (Makhtut Sharh Aleawamil Almiaya Alnahwia) from the introduction to the end. This book is one of the descriptions of Imam Jorjani’s book “the text of factors” (Matn Aleawamil Almiaya). This research is written with an analytical and descriptive approach that is descriptively based on induction and elicitation through induction of all sources, and analytically clarifies the syntactic differences between scholars. One of the most important results of the research is to identify the characteristics of the scientific structure of ” almustari” in general and his grammatical approach in particular.

The researcher has divided the research into two parts: study and research; The study section includes the translation and biography of the author “Abdolqahir Jorjani” and the interpreter “Mostafa almustari”, and the research section includes the text under study. In this section, the researcher has relied on two versions of manuscripts and, by observing the principles of scientific research and its basic rules, explains the verbal and spiritual factors, which are one hundred factors. These factors have been regulated by Imam Jorjani and have been explained and interpreted by other scholars. Verbal factors are divided into auditory and deductive parts; The audio part is ninety-one factors and thirteen types, which are:  the letters that give jar to the unit name, the letters that give nasb to the name and give rafa to the news, the two letters that give the rafa to the name and give the nasb to the news, the factors that nasb the singular noun, the factors that give the nasb and jazm to the present verb, the factors which cause the jazm of two verbs.  The names that nasb the disliked noun, verb-noun, the incomplete verbs, the verbs of intercourse, the verbs of praise and condemnation, and the verbs of doubt and certainty. The deductive part consists of seven factors as follows: Verb, infinitive, subject noun, object, similar adjective, adjective, and full noun. The Spiritual factors are also two numbers and include the factors that convert to the nasb the beginner and the present verb.