Theoretical Foundations Of Tafsi Al-Mizan in the Quranic Verses about Women and Family

Ezatullah Salehi Asl
Field of study:
Women and Family
Faculty of Woman and Family
URD Press
Mehrab Sadegh Nia

The Holy Qur’an, in 145 verses in the Meccan and Medinan chapters, directly or indirectly deals with the subject of family and gender and speaks about the rituals and rules related to them. Most of the verses that are rituals and recite religious traditions are in Madinan surahs. Another part of these verses deals with the positive roles of men and women and the family. The Qur’an pays close attention to the feminine and masculine realms and considers masculinity and enocyte to be of secondary importance. Sexual values such as hijab, chastity, modesty, etc. are the moral and behavioral model of Muslims, and the “qavvamiyat” of men, according to Allameh Tabatabai, can only be justified in terms of governing and judging or in war.

According to Allameh Tabatabai in Islam, woman is a partner of man in all rules of worship and social rights, except in cases where the nature of woman requires that she be different from man. Allameh Tabatabai believes that Islam is based on belief, not gender, and that the Holy Qur’an does not emphasize any rulings as much as the rulings on women. He has presented novel theories according to his knowledge of the period of Jahiliyyah/ignorance and the period ofdvent of Islam and the period of  new Jahiliyyah.

According to Allameh Fitrah/فطرت, has a special place in women’s rights. He considers marriage a natural and fateful thing and considers divorce as one of the honors of Islam. He believes that Islam does not differentiate between men and women in terms of religiosity in the dignity of individuals, and that it is possible for another class to reach any degree of perfection that is possible for one class. Islam has established equality between men and women in terms of managing the affairs of society and the involvement of their will and action in this planning.

All human beings, male and female, are beings with evolutionary consciousness and will, and this evolutionary will leads to the legislative will, which results in freedom of action. The discussion of the rights of men and women, which is rooted in nature, requires that rights and duties be equal between human beings.