Fundamentals of mystical journey and behavior from the perspective of Imam Khomeini

Elias Najjari
Field of study:
Islamic Mysticism and Imam Khomeini Thought
Faculty of Mysticism
URD Press
Amir Javan Arasteh
Asghar Norouzi

The behavior of mystical characters is rooted in their theoretical foundation It can certainly be said that Imam Khomeini is an influential figure in the development of Islamic mysticism and it has a transcendent mystical school and method who was able to revive pure Islamic mysticism and by using the Holy Quran as a “book of journey and conduct and by using the scientific and practical life of the divine saints (peace be upon them), he brought mysticism out of isolation.

And with the formation of the Islamic government, to lead the people to the “straight path” and “Serate Mustaqim”  distinguish Himself from all mystics.

Therefore, the study and analysis of the principles of Imam Khomeini’s “mystical journey” is important and necessary in various ways, and this important issue has been addressed in this treatise.

Author in this descriptive and analytical research has examined the principles of Imam Khomeini’s mystical journey and behavior in four areas  “Theological foundations”,  “Fundamentals of Theology”, “Ontological foundations” and “Anthropological Foundations”

And it has been concluded that: According to the collection of Imam’s mystical thoughts, Islamic mysticism, which is derived from pure Islam and the school of Ahl al-Bayt (PBUH), has a comprehensive and complete plan for the worldly and otherworldly happiness of human beings.

And the mystical man as the “one hierarchical truth” by following the “perfect human beings” as the only guides to the path to God, can by combining the “Haqq” and the “Sabil” and the “truth”

 In all mystical and spiritual journeys, and with “God-centered behavior”, he migrated to Hazrat Haqq and through the ranks to the highest mystical degrees, ie “absolute guardianship

Which is the caliphate and guardianship of the Ahl al-Bayt (PBUH) Imam Khomeini has referred to this method as “provincial conduct”.