Activity of Image and deviations in the poems of Jamil Sadqi Al-Zahawi

Al-Khafaji Ali Habib Jasem
Field of study:
Arabic language and literature
Faculty of Nations Cultures and Languages
URD Press
Hasan Rahmani Raad

Image is the artistic style that poets choose in particular texture and expressive structure so that they show their poetic experience in the form of ode. Different researches have done on the kinds of poetic images and also they are in progress about the concept of image. Image has a wide range and it is considered as a source of innovation and Defamiliarization in poem. The image in the Iraqi poet’s poem, “jamil Sedghi Zahavi” includes a wide imagination. He is one of the first freedom fighters that adjudged the cruelty. Zahavi has used the analysis and scrutiny to penetrate from surface the deep layers with his innovative language. He has inspired the beauty of artistic image and his poetic difamiliarization from the type of his philosophic prospective to the political and economic events that happened in Iraq. Researcher finds out that this image is usually separated from its main concept so that the second concept is used like encouraging to rebellion and defiance against custom and old traditions in Iraq community by analyzing details of his images. In the images that are based non simile it has caused to clarify the speech, transferring the thoughts to interlocutor and as a result it makes the reader persuasion. Zahavi has used different kinds of the explicit and implicit metaphor. Meantime he has used the implicit metaphor to create artistic picture. According to the function of the secrets, the analysis shows that the secrets have diverged from the ordinal and main meaning to include new denotation that fits the mental condition. This research analyzes the image (based on simile images, metaphors and secrets) in the poems of Jamil Sedghi Zahavi by descriptive analytical and some samples of his poems.