The relationship between family cohesion and resilience and the mediating role of religious orientation

Hadis Sadat Ghorashi
Field of study:
women Studies
Faculty of Woman and Family
URD Press
Mohammad Sadegh Shojaei
Abbas Ali Heratian

Background and objectives: Resilience is one of the trending topics in health psychology. Many studies have examined the factors that are associated with this variable. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between family cohesion and resilience with the mediating role of religious orientation.

 Methods: The present study was a descriptive correlational study and the statistical population was the residents of Pardisan  in 1400. The formula Tabachnick and Fidel (2013) [N≥50 + 8M] was used to estimate the sample size. In this formula, N is the sample size and M is the number of independent variables. In this study, there are 2 independent variables (family cohesion and religious orientation) that according to this formula, the sample size should be 66 people. However, to ensure the sample size, 150 people were selected and the online questionnaire links were sent to them via cyberspace and then they answered online. Data collection tools included questionnaires of Family Cohesion of Elson et al., The Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale (CD-RISC) and Azerbaijani Religious Orientation Test. Descriptive indicators of mean, standard deviation and descriptive graphs were used to analyze the statistical data, and Pearson correlation tests and structural equation modeling were used to test the research hypotheses. SPSS software and Smart PLS software were used to perform data analysis.

Results: Data analysis shows that there is a positive and significant relationship between family cohesion and resilience, family cohesion and religious orientation, religious orientation and resilience. Also, a positive and significant relationship between family cohesion and resilience with the mediating role of religious orientation was confirmed.

Conclusion: Family cohesion along with religious orientation can make families more resilient in the face of life’s problems and pressures. Therefore, by accentuating family cohesion and religiousness in the family can help a lot to increase resilience in family members.