The Role of the Family Counseling Center in Divorce (A Comparative Study between Iraqi And Iranian law)

Malik Kadhim Naeemah Naeemah
Field of study:
Faculty of Law
URD Press
Saeed Mahjoob

The purpose of divorce counseling is to solve the problem of the couple and bring them back to a common life. This decision may be due to some small problems that have turned into big problems due to lack of attention to solving them, or an emotional divorce has taken place between the couple, and now the decision to divorce has been taken seriously. Nowadays, divorce counseling is a mandatory part of divorces, especially divorces that are done by agreement. In some cases, this type of counseling is also done after divorce. In cases where divorce is the final decision of people, counseling is done in order to cope with the conditions after divorce. These meetings may even be held for parents of couples. Some parents endanger the lives of couples by interfering unnecessarily, and with these consultations and gaining knowledge, their divorce can be prevented. Divorce counseling does not mean helping husband and wife to separate from each other. Rather, the counselor tries to provide them with the necessary guidance by examining the problems of marital relations and measuring the possibility of saving the life together and improving the emotional relations of the couple. If it comes to the conclusion that it is possible to continue living together, it encourages couples to benefit from family counseling and give their lives a second chance.Also, they give a lot of information to couples about the legal and social consequences and harms of divorce and its laws and its adaptation to the problems of couples, and they even dissuade them from divorce in some cases and provide ways to solve the problems of joint life. On the contrary, when it is not possible to save the life together and the couple insists a lot on separation, they guide them in the legal process so that they can separate from each other with the least amount of damage; In some cases, divorce is the best way to compensate for the damage. The advantage of consulting a counselor is to change your perspective on the issues of cohabitation, marriage itself and examine them from different angles and from the other spouse’s point of view. Most of the time, people are in a blind spot regarding some issues and lose a clear view of the issue, and this unintentionally causes them to ignore the truth