The Emergence of the Concept of Charismatic Man of Zoroastrian Religion with Perfect Man in Ishmaelites

Mahdi elmi Daneshvar
Field of study:
Non-Abrahamic religions
Faculty of Religions
URD Press
Mahdi Lakzaei

This dissertation starts considering the transition along the development and emergence of “charismatic man” in the Zoroastrian scriptures to the “perfect man” in the Ishmaelites, one of the Islamic sects. In the Zoroastrian scriptures, the transition of charisma and kingdom, from a king to another king, causes other successions of charismatic men to be conceived, which according to that charisma, these men took the guardianship of creation and expropriation of their affairs and installation of the light in the whole cosmos. Charismatic men of this dynasty who evolved the ideal kingdom of Pishdadi are : Keyumars, Keykhosrow, Fereydun, Jamshid, … and Zoroast was the next not only to make Iran prosperous but also accepted another responsibility, that was dispelling and eradicating the Devil. Finally Sushiyant handles this duty to defeat the devil and to disperse light throughout the world.

After Iran’s conquer by Muslims, Charisma again by keeping its original configurational discourse, was illustrated itself with new features in various texts.  Charisma’s application in the texts such as Bundahishn and Denkard was according to the total concepts of ancient era’s configuration. But in Shahname, one of the crucial literary texts, there is seen digression of these total concepts, although it is loyal to ancient applications and only in Ardeshir story, charisma description is in corporeal form. So, on this basis, Charismatic Kings like Fereydun, and especially Keykhosrow are described with heavenly backgrounds. While in available authenticated documents from ancient times, no extraterritorial features was mentioned.

With this view in mind, also considering theology’s elements in the discourse of charisma, which accordingly rulers by Ormazd’s (Ahura Mazda) endorsement and some kind of “Guardianship” and ceremonial characteristics, transformed Ormazd’s favor to people. The aforementioned is one of the most important commonly shared concepts in the discourse of Charisma and the concept of guardianship and “perfect man” in the literature of Islamic World. Thus the development and emergence of gradual evolution in the concepts of guardianship theory and “perfect man” and its connection between “king’s wisdom” and Iranian mysticism up to seventh century was appeared.