Translation,review and analysis articles Ismaili Theology and Zaydi Theology in yemen

Sadegh saeeidian
Field of study:
The difference of Shiism
Faculty of Shi’i Studies
URD Press
Mohammad Javdan

It is very useful to study the views of the Orientalists who wrote in Shiism. This important thing is achieved when their works are translated into Persian with the help of translation tools and made available to researchers and students. In this article, first the articles “Ismaili Theology” and “Yemeni Zaydi Theology” were translated, then an attempt was made to examine the authors’ point of view and to point out their strengths and weaknesses. Studies were conducted in both structural and content directions. The article “Ismaili Theology”, although not structurally logical enough and also inconclusive, provided good data. The main idea of ​​this article was the rejection of theology from the Ismaili point of view, which did not provide sufficient evidence to prove it. In the fourth chapter of the present article, I showed the insufficiency of evidence by referring to Ismaili sources. The article “Yemeni Zaydi Word” contains a lot of historical information, which is why the title of the article is not appropriate to the content; Because the content is the history of Zaydi words. In addition, the lack of conclusions leaves the audience with a set of data, data in which, in some cases, no logical connection can be found. In some cases, the historical information presented seemed incomplete and inadequate, to which I have referred in detail. However, the historical information that this article provides about Behshimia, as well as the Zaydi connection between Yemen and northern Iran, is unique.