Existential Analysis of Hazrat Fatima (as) and her Influence on the Wayfaring of the Wayfarers

Fereshteh Ghanbari Sefat Moghaddam
Field of study:
Sufism and Islamic mysticism
Faculty of Mysticism
URD Press
Ali Afzali
Rahman Bolhasani

One of the possible methods of knowing Hazrat Fatima (sa) is the mystical analysis, description and explanation of her existential identity and wayfaring character. If we want to do research on this subject, we have to enter in two fields: the existential status of Hazrat Fatima (sa) in existence system and her wayfaring status among the wayfarers. In fact, the main goal of the present research is to explain the existential role of Hazrat Fatima (sa) and her existential influence on the wayfaring of wayfarers.

Using library method, a descriptive report on the interpretations and occasion of revelation of some related verses, and traditions of the infallibles (peace be upon them) has been presented and then results of the research have been analyzed in the mystical framework. To this end, the existential relationship of Hazrat Fatima (sa) with Hazrat Haq and creations were separately investigated. Since this existential status has a great influence on the mystical wayfaring of the wayfarers, the relationship between the mystical wayfaring of Hazrat Fatima (sa) and Hazrat Haq, and then the relationship between Hazrat Fatima (sa) and the creations were described. In fact, this research deals with those aspects of  Hazrat Fatima’s mystical wayfaring status, which are related to her existential status. The findings have shown that the first creation of Hazrat Fatima (sa) was from an eternal light. The initial source of this light is the light of Hazrat Haq, which has been manifested from God’s light and cannot be separated from His light. Therefore, it has the characteristics of divine light, which means the light is absolute, permanent, indestructible and unquenchable, and it is the same as the first mystical emanation, that is, the Merciful Soul. One of the manifestations of this divine light is the universal reason and the universal soul. If a perfect man is a female, she is the ultimate manifestation of the universal soul, which accepts divine truths and effusions. It splits the seed of the world of existence and causes the manifestation of the worlds of creation. Therefore, if there had not been Hazrat Fatima (sa) no aptitude would have appeared and there would have been no result in the world. From this point of view, the hadith ‘if you had not been, ..” partially will be understood. Since all the effusions of the world are released from the existential channel of Hazrat Fatima (sa), this holy and eternal existence has a significant effect on wayfaring of the wayfarers. Therefore, loving for Hazrat Fatima and seeking mediation of her and her intercession status have a special effect on the mystical wayfaring of the wayfarers.